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New Ways Restaurants Support Staff in 2021

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July 12, 2021

Restaurant managers know how important their staff is to the success of their business. Establishments rely on their team to produce exceptional food, provide first-rate service, and keep customers coming back for more. 

However, beyond being an asset to profit margins, a restaurant’s workforce is like family. That’s why it is more important than ever to help employees navigate some of the challenges the industry has been facing, especially in the wake of COVID-19. Not only for the sake of business, but also for the community at large.

How Restaurants Can Attract and Retain Staff in 2021 and Beyond

If you’ve ever wondered what challenges your workers face, and ones that might be contributing to a diminishing staffing pool, our restaurant supply store has the answers. Learn more about what your foodservice staff is contending with and how restaurant managers support their teams.

Challenges Restaurant Staff Face During and After COVID-19

The average longevity of a restaurant employee is just one month and 26 days. As owners know, restaurant turnover is not only expensive, but it’s also bad for business and morale. 

If you are looking to retain your staff for years to come it’s essential to first understand the challenges your establishment’s servers, bartenders, and kitchen staff are facing. Then come up with positive solutions for change. 

If you're facing difficulties retaining or finding qualified employees after the pandemic, or want to better support your staff, read on for all the details.

Financial Stressors 

As everyone in the industry knows, foodservice workers don’t rank high in terms of wages. As a general rule, wages can even vary wildly from state to state, and restaurant to restaurant. Tipped workers could make anywhere from  $2.13 to $14 an hour, depending on minimum wage requirements. In addition, restaurant workers experience higher rates of being underinsured and uninsured. These two financial factors have contributed to some foodservice employees searching for work in other professions during the pandemic. 

How Restaurant Managers are Providing Solutions: In an effort to bring back valuable employees, managers and owners are developing comprehensive compensation strategies. Employee benefit programs that provide extra paid time off, bonuses, and employee profit-sharing are just a few ways managers are giving employees more financial freedom and the ability to take time off when needed. Also, restaurants are adopting contactless technologies to reduce employee and customer contact and keep their team safe.

Unpredictable Schedules Restaurant work hasn’t historically been a typical 9-to-5 job. In fact, that’s one of the beauties of foodservice work. The evening and weekend hours are great for students, baker hours are perfect for early risers, and lunch shifts are ideal for parents with kids in school. 

While those off-beat hours have been an accepted reality since COVID-19, workers’ schedules may have changed. Caring for family members, engaging in remote learning with children, and more are impacting scheduling flexibility. 

How Restaurant Managers are Providing Solutions: Opening up the lines of communication is key to gauging your employees’ needs and understanding their challenges. That’s why owners and managers are taking the time to talk to their staff and allowing for changes in their scheduling policies. As a result, team members feel heard, happy, and can continue to work. 

Personal Burnout Even before the pandemic, restaurant staff experienced high rates of sleeplessness and stress. However, since the pandemic started, foodservice workers had to navigate an uncertain job market and an unstable economy, adding even more stress. As the industry begins to bounce back, many employees are still dealing with exhaustion, feeling overwhelmed, and concerned about job security. 

How Restaurant Managers are Providing Solutions: Owners have begun prioritizing mental and physical health among their staff. Many are sharing helpful health techniques with their employees, explicitly geared to restaurant workers. Others have been partnering with mental health advocacy groups, like Restaurant After Hours, to provide their team members access to mental health resources. 

Staffing Resources and Bulk Food for Restaurants from US Foods CHEF’STORE

Restaurant staff are crucial for the success of businesses and helping them navigate some of the challenges that come with working in the industry not only ensures they find a healthy work-life balance, but also keeps them involved in providing excellent service.

CHEF’STORE proudly supports the restaurant industry and all hospitality and service professionals. We offer exceptional business solutions, including staff training and recruitment, that can help restaurant staff, owners, and chefs find efficiencies with scheduling, training, marketing, operating costs and more.

CHEF’STORE is known for our high-quality ingredients, convenient locations, easy-to-use third-party delivery, and customer cards that offer different rewards. No matter what you need, we are here for you!


How To Get Honest Feedback From Your Restaurant Staff

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